Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute

RMHI advocates the  freedom to inquire  about any and all topics relevant to human and planetary health,
the free flow of information without censorship, and the autonomy and natural rights of each individual.


Education/certification in classical Chinese herbology and environmental health sciences

    RMHI's international certification programs provide individuals, independent herbalists, and health professionals worldwide with modern tools to transform the ancient art and science of Chinese herbal medicine into an effective health care option for the 21st century — interactive-game and expert-system software, clinical reference databases and study guides, distance-learning/home-study courses, brainstorming-crowdsourcing network, on-site courses.
    This system of knowledge encompasses not only 'Chinese' herbs, but provides a basis for understanding the effects of all herbs, foods, environmental quality, exercise, music, art, and social/economic life on human health.


Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute
Roger W. Wicke, Ph.D., Director
Herbal paintings/graphic-art
by Crystal Kingston.

A quick-reference comparison table of RMHI activities, courses, and certification options — topics, format, how to apply for admission, fees, etc.
      See also:   ·FAQ   ·Getting started   ·More info.

These 5 introductory lectures explain exactly how our curriculum works and what will be expected of you.
—Start here—
This online tutorial series will help you get started using the HerbalThink-TCM software, ensure it is installed correctly, demonstrate how to use important features and modules, and teach you basic principles of Chinese herbal medicine that you can begin applying practically. Successful completion of this series is required for admission to the RMHInet brainstorming network and to our professional education programs. To apply for admission to BootCamp, follow the instructions in tutorial #1.
(software package)
Includes: text references and self-study guides, databases, interactive games, simulators, and clinical case tools for learning traditional Chinese herbology. For Windows/MacOS-X/Linux. You do not need to be an RMHI student to purchase a license. Study and learn at your own pace, at home or office.
      · User reviews
Now includes two new expert-systems tools for automated pattern differentiation/diagnosis:
RMHI Forums
Our very own private social-media/bulletin-board system for the various user/student/graduate groups that we sponsor, including RMHInet.
Requires login as a registered user; all new registrations must be approved by the Forums Admin. This replaces and supersedes the 'Study Toolbox', below.
RMHInet A private, members-only, social-media brainstorming-crowdsourcing group for individuals, RMHI students, and professionals to share ideas and information about health, wellness, and longevity and to apply the power of technology + brainstorming toward solving complex health problems.
About RMHI Who we are, school faculty, staff, our website policy, photos.
Subscribe to our RSS feed.
What's new at RMHI? A blog containing important updates to our courses/certification options and new articles on our website.
Contact us Questions about our software, tech support, publications, course options, admissions, schedule and fees, etc.?
Articles Introduction to Chinese herbalism; health care politics; finding a qualified herbalist; herbalists' rights.
Study Toolbox This resource has now been integrated into RMHI Forums — see: 'rmhicert_Study Toolbox'
Harmonious Sunshine publications The collected works of C.S. Cheung, M.D.; for advanced herbalist practitioners. Includes practical study guides to help you pass exams at TCM schools or for professional certification.
The information on RMHI's website is educational and general in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Information provided is not intended for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease. Individuals desiring help for specific health problems should seek advice from qualified professionals.

2017 Sep 25:   Improvements to our website

Over the preceding years, we have added major new features to our programs and curriculum, and our website tended to lag in keeping up with all these changes. In 2017, we did a lot of pruning, reorganizing, and simplifying. The four most important pages on our website, which will answer the vast majority of visitors' questions, appear above in our main table of contents, highlighted in bold.


How will a knowledge of classical Chinese herbology benefit your clinical practice?

Our website contains many full-length articles on Chinese herbology. The following articles focus on revealing key differences between classical Chinese herbology and western, or European, styles of herbalism. The last two articles explain worldwide trends in politics, economics, education, and regulation that every herbalist and aspiring herbalist should consider before making important business and career choices.