To view the entire case-analysis report produced by AutoSage-TCM, you should open and view the file 'report-main.html' within any relatively up-to-date Internet browser (Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, etc.). The file below comprises only the contents to be displayed in a single frame of the output display.

case_id=C102b-20161123 EVALUATED SYNDROME   : MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefYang Important metrics MAGN*RANK*PROB= 0.0 MAGN= 1.3 RANK= 0.7 PROB=0.01

Top-level syndrome-pattern definition   for MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefYang pd( ( SYSTvital_4_fatigueLethargy , SYSTtherm_4_feelsDislikesCold , SYSTpersp_4_spontaneous , 0.5 * SYSTbehav_4_actionsConflictWithMind , 0.5 * SYSTbehav_4_apprehensive , 0.5 * SYSTbehav_4_fearful_notIncludePassive , 0.5 * SYSTbehav_4_passive , OUTFLbm_4_diarrheaBMloose , PAIN_4_palpitationsOfHeart , SENS_4_disequilibrium , 0.66 * SLEEP_4_insomnia22 , 0.66 * SLEEP_4_excessiveDreaming99 ) @omax(AAC_2_chronic; u=0.500, w=0.750) , AAWGT_0_TONG * ( TONGaTISCOLOR_4_pale ) , AAWGT_0_PULS_EASY * ( PULScSTRE_4_weak ) ) Flag-codes for syndromeClass, applicable vetoFactors, syndromeCategories Of greatest interest to end users will be any applicable vetoFactors (i.e., applyVeto_xxx). classB_5 applyVeto_IntCold applyVeto_IntDefic categA_DefYang categB_DefYang

Active symptom variables   for MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefYang ---Variable Group contribution to V, RANK_raw (not vetoAdjusted), MAGN_raw (not normalized)--- V RANK_raw MAGN_raw variableGroupName 1.00 1.00 1.00 SYSTvital_4_fatigueLethargy_0 0.50 0.71 0.50 OUTFLbm_4_diarrheaBMloose_0 0.50 0.47 0.33 SLEEP_4_insomnia22_0 1.00 0.10 0.10 TONGaTISCOLOR_4_pale_0(hue) 0.40 0.13 0.08 TONGaTISCOLOR_4_pale_1(sat) 0.16 0.28 0.11 TONGaTISCOLOR_4_pale_2(light)

Competitor Syndromes   for MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefYang RANK of the evaluated syndrome, MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefYang : RANK_raw = 2.7 RANK_vetoAdj = 0.7 ---CRANK (raw, veto-adjusted, veto-and-distance-adjusted final value;  CRANK/RANK ratio)--- raw vetoDistAdj competitorSyndrome (opens in {{new window/tab}} ) vetoAdj CRANK/RANK Only competitor syndromes that exceed [ selection/threshold criteria ] are listed below. 2.9 2.9 2.9 4.30 VH_5_PericardiumMucusFireObstruction 2.9 2.9 2.6 3.82 VH_5_YingWetHeat 2.1 2.1 1.9 2.76 ORGM_5_DampHeatOfGallbladderAndLiver 2.2 2.2 1.8 2.58 VH_5_QiWetStagnationOfThreeBurners 1.8 1.8 1.7 2.53 CI_5_ShaoyangYangmingEvil 2.2 2.2 1.6 2.41 PE_5_SummerHeatDampness 2.2 2.2 1.6 2.40 PE_5_SummerHeatDampnessWCold 2.0 2.0 1.6 2.39 ORGM_5_HeatDampnessOfSpleen 1.8 1.8 1.6 2.33 CI_5_ShaoyangEvil 1.4 1.4 1.4 2.03 ORGM_5_LiverYangAscending

///////////////////END of results for  MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefYang


case_id=C102b-20161123 EVALUATED SYNDROME   : MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefQiAndYin Important metrics MAGN*RANK*PROB= 0.1 MAGN= 3.2 RANK= 1.8 PROB=0.01

Top-level syndrome-pattern definition   for MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefQiAndYin pd( ( SYSTvital_4_fatigueLethargy , SYSTtherm_4_easilyHotOrCold , 0.5 * SYSTbehav_4_actionsConflictWithMind , 0.5 * SYSTbehav_4_irritable , 0.5 * SYSTbehav_4_poorConcentration_only , 0.5 * SYSTbehav_4_poorMemory , SLEEP_4_irregDisturbed11 ) @omax(AAC_2_typeAcuteChronic2; u=0.700, w=0.750) , AAWGT_0_TONG * ( TONGaTISCOLOR_4_normalToReddish , TONGaTISFEA_4_fissures , TONGbCOAFEA_4_absentOrVThin , TONGbCOACOLOR_4_whitePossiblyYellow ) , AAWGT_0_PULS_EASY * ( PULSaRATE_4_rapid , PULScSTRE_4_weak ) , AAWGT_0_PULS_DIFF * ( PULScMIX_4_narrowDistinct ) ) Flag-codes for syndromeClass, applicable vetoFactors, syndromeCategories Of greatest interest to end users will be any applicable vetoFactors (i.e., applyVeto_xxx). classB_5 applyVeto_IntDefic categA_DefQi categA_DefYin0 categB_DefQi categB_DefYin0

Active symptom variables   for MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefQiAndYin ---Variable Group contribution to V, RANK_raw (not vetoAdjusted), MAGN_raw (not normalized)--- V RANK_raw MAGN_raw variableGroupName 1.40 1.00 1.40 SYSTvital_4_fatigueLethargy_0 0.49 0.70 0.49 SLEEP_4_irregDisturbed11_0 1.00 0.40 0.40 TONGaTISCOLOR_4_normalToReddish_0(hue) 1.00 0.40 0.40 TONGaTISCOLOR_4_normalToReddish_1(sat) 0.87 0.19 0.17 TONGaTISCOLOR_4_normalToReddish_2(light) 0.08 0.29 0.08 TONGbCOAFEA_4_absentOrVThin_0 0.39 0.62 0.39 TONGbCOACOLOR_4_whitePossiblyYellow_0 2.00 1.00 2.00 PULSaRATE_4_rapid_0 0.03 0.08 0.01 PULScMIX_4_narrowDistinct_0 0.17 0.20 0.08 PULScMIX_4_narrowDistinct_1

Competitor Syndromes   for MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefQiAndYin RANK of the evaluated syndrome, MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefQiAndYin : RANK_raw = 4.9 RANK_vetoAdj = 1.8 ---CRANK (raw, veto-adjusted, veto-and-distance-adjusted final value;  CRANK/RANK ratio)--- raw vetoDistAdj competitorSyndrome (opens in {{new window/tab}} ) vetoAdj CRANK/RANK Only competitor syndromes that exceed [ selection/threshold criteria ] are listed below. 4.2 4.2 4.2 2.34 VH_5_PericardiumMucusFireObstruction 5.0 5.0 4.1 2.32 VH_5_YingWetHeat 3.9 3.9 3.6 2.02 ORGM_5_DampHeatOfGallbladderAndLiver 3.6 3.6 3.3 1.87 ORGM_5_LiverFire 3.3 3.3 3.3 1.87 ORGU_5_PhlegmFireDisturbingHeart 3.6 3.6 3.1 1.75 VH_5_QiWetStagnationOfThreeBurners 3.5 3.5 3.0 1.71 ORGM_5_HeatDampnessOfSpleen 3.6 3.6 2.9 1.63 ORGM_5_LiverYangAscending 3.7 3.7 2.9 1.62 PE_5_SummerHeatDampness 2.9 2.9 2.7 1.52 ORGM_5_ExcessHeatOfGallbladder

///////////////////END of results for  MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefQiAndYin


case_id=C102b-20161123 EVALUATED SYNDROME   : MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefYin Important metrics MAGN*RANK*PROB= 0.1 MAGN= 2.5 RANK= 1.5 PROB=0.02

Top-level syndrome-pattern definition   for MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefYin pd( ( SYSTvital_4_fatigueLethargy , 0.5 * SYSTtherm_4_feelsDislikesHeat , 0.5 * SYSTtherm_4_feelsDislikesHeat_InAfternoonEvening , 0.5 * SYSTtherm_4_hotFlushesOnly , 0.5 * SYSTtherm_4_hotSensation_OfPalmsSolesHead , 0.5 * SYSTbehav_4_actionsConflictWithMind , 0.5 * SYSTbehav_4_agitatedRestlessIrritable_forIntHeat , 0.5 * SYSTbehav_4_apprehensive , PAIN_4_palpitationsOfHeart , 0.66 * SLEEP_4_insomnia22 , 0.66 * SLEEP_4_freqReawakening99 , 0.66 * SLEEP_4_excessiveDreaming99 ) @omax(AAC_2_typeAcuteChronic2; u=0.700, w=0.750) , AAWGT_0_TONG * ( TONGaTISCOLOR_4_red , TONGaTISFEA_4_fissures , TONGbCOAFEA_4_absentOrVThin , TONGbCOAFEA_4_dry ) , AAWGT_0_PULS_EASY * ( PULSaRATE_4_rapid , PULScSTRE_4_weak ) , AAWGT_0_PULS_DIFF * ( PULScMIX_4_narrowDistinct ) ) Flag-codes for syndromeClass, applicable vetoFactors, syndromeCategories Of greatest interest to end users will be any applicable vetoFactors (i.e., applyVeto_xxx). classB_5 applyVeto_IntHeat applyVeto_IntDefic categA_DefYin0 categB_DefYin0

Active symptom variables   for MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefYin ---Variable Group contribution to V, RANK_raw (not vetoAdjusted), MAGN_raw (not normalized)--- V RANK_raw MAGN_raw variableGroupName 1.40 1.00 1.40 SYSTvital_4_fatigueLethargy_0 0.70 0.55 0.46 SLEEP_4_insomnia22_0 1.00 0.50 0.50 TONGaTISCOLOR_4_red_0(hue) 1.60 0.30 0.48 TONGaTISCOLOR_4_red_1(sat) 0.82 0.18 0.16 TONGaTISCOLOR_4_red_2(light) 0.08 0.29 0.08 TONGbCOAFEA_4_absentOrVThin_0 2.00 1.00 2.00 PULSaRATE_4_rapid_0 0.03 0.08 0.01 PULScMIX_4_narrowDistinct_0 0.17 0.20 0.08 PULScMIX_4_narrowDistinct_1

Competitor Syndromes   for MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefYin RANK of the evaluated syndrome, MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefYin : RANK_raw = 4.1 RANK_vetoAdj = 1.5 ---CRANK (raw, veto-adjusted, veto-and-distance-adjusted final value;  CRANK/RANK ratio)--- raw vetoDistAdj competitorSyndrome (opens in {{new window/tab}} ) vetoAdj CRANK/RANK Only competitor syndromes that exceed [ selection/threshold criteria ] are listed below. 3.5 3.5 3.2 2.12 VH_5_PericardiumMucusFireObstruction 3.9 3.9 2.7 1.78 VH_5_YingWetHeat 2.9 2.9 2.4 1.59 ORGM_5_DampHeatOfGallbladderAndLiver 2.8 2.8 2.3 1.54 PE_5_SummerHeatDampnessWCold 2.7 2.7 2.2 1.46 PE_5_SummerHeatDampness 2.2 2.2 2.0 1.33 CI_5_ShaoyangYangmingEvil 2.6 2.6 2.0 1.31 VH_5_QiWetStagnationOfThreeBurners 2.6 2.6 1.9 1.27 ORGM_5_HeatDampnessOfSpleen 2.3 2.3 1.9 1.25 ORGU_5_PhlegmFireDisturbingHeart 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.24 CI_5_ShaoyangTaiyangEvil

///////////////////END of results for  MISCU_5_HtKdNoncommunWDefYin


case_id=C102b-20161123 EVALUATED SYNDROME   : MISCU_5_StagnancyOfLungQi Important metrics MAGN*RANK*PROB= 0.6 MAGN= 1.8 RANK= 2.2 PROB=0.14

Top-level syndrome-pattern definition   for MISCU_5_StagnancyOfLungQi pd( ( RESP_4_laboredBroadButExcludeWheezing , RESP_4_wheezingAsthma99 , DISCHcough_4_cough , 0.5 * PAIN_4_distenddDiscomfortA1_OfTorsoUpperA2 , 0.5 * PAIN_4_distenddDiscomfortA2_OfTorsoUpperA1 , PAIN_4_freqChangeLocatIntensity ) , AAWGT_0_PULS_EASY * ( PULScSTRE_4_strong_UpperBurner2 ) , AAWGT_0_PULS_DIFF * ( PULScMIX_4_maybeNarrowDistinctTaut_UpperBurner2 ) ) Flag-codes for syndromeClass, applicable vetoFactors, syndromeCategories Of greatest interest to end users will be any applicable vetoFactors (i.e., applyVeto_xxx). classB_5 categA_IEStagLuQi categB_IEStagLuQi

Active symptom variables   for MISCU_5_StagnancyOfLungQi ---Variable Group contribution to V, RANK_raw (not vetoAdjusted), MAGN_raw (not normalized)--- V RANK_raw MAGN_raw variableGroupName 0.20 0.22 0.10 PAIN_4_distenddDiscomfortA1_OfTorsoUpperA2_0 1.00 0.50 0.50 PAIN_4_distenddDiscomfortA2_OfTorsoUpperA1_0 1.22 1.00 1.22 PULScSTRE_4_strong_UpperBurner2_0 0.07 0.13 0.03 PULScMIX_4_maybeNarrowDistinctTaut_UpperBurner2_0 0.17 0.20 0.08 PULScMIX_4_maybeNarrowDistinctTaut_UpperBurner2_1 0.05 0.12 0.03 PULScMIX_4_maybeNarrowDistinctTaut_UpperBurner2_2

Competitor Syndromes   for MISCU_5_StagnancyOfLungQi RANK of the evaluated syndrome, MISCU_5_StagnancyOfLungQi : RANK_raw = 2.2 RANK_vetoAdj = 2.2 ---CRANK (raw, veto-adjusted, veto-and-distance-adjusted final value;  CRANK/RANK ratio)--- raw vetoDistAdj competitorSyndrome (opens in {{new window/tab}} ) vetoAdj CRANK/RANK Only competitor syndromes that exceed [ selection/threshold criteria ] are listed below. 1.7 1.7 1.5 0.70 VH_5_XueExcessHeat 1.9 1.9 1.2 0.56 VH_5_YingWetHeat 1.5 1.5 1.2 0.55 VH_5_PericardiumMucusFireObstruction 1.7 1.7 1.2 0.54 VH_5_YingWindHeat 1.8 1.8 1.2 0.54 VH_5_WeiWetHeat 1.9 1.9 1.1 0.51 ORGM_5_HeatDampnessOfSpleen 1.7 1.7 1.1 0.51 ORGL_5_DampHeatOfLargeIntestine 1.9 1.9 1.1 0.50 CI_5_YangmingMeridianEvil 2.1 2.1 1.1 0.50 CI_5_ShaoyangYangmingEvil 2.1 2.1 1.0 0.48 ORGM_5_DampHeatOfGallbladderAndLiver

///////////////////END of results for  MISCU_5_StagnancyOfLungQi

---[END of part 1_MISCU]---